Does this round of intervention mark a return to socialism; or even the old mixed economy? 这一轮的干预标志着回归社会主义,甚至旧的混合经济么?
But that was last year, and now, suddenly, many of the virtues of so-called "Old Economy" firms are being miraculously rediscovered. 然而,这是去年的事情了。如今,所谓“旧经济”企业的优势突然奇迹般地被人重新发现了。
Next, I'll try to convince you that the gulf said to exist between the Old Economy and New Economy has been greatly exaggerated. 其次,我希望你们确信新经济和旧经济之间存在的鸿沟其实是被过分夸大了的。
For most of the 1990s, CEOs of Old Economy companies struggled to turn slow-moving organizations into nimbler, more flexible outfits. 二十世纪九十年代的大部分时间里,旧经济公司的首席执行官们都在努力地将运作缓慢的公司朝着敏捷,更富有弹性的公司转型。
Commodities, electricity use or rail freight look at the old economy of heavy industry and construction, which is supposed to be in decline. 大宗商品、发电量或铁路货运量所反映的,都是重工业和建筑等老经济,这些理应处于下行轨道。
But the struggle to secure the most talented graduates is made harder by the "old economy" image surrounding many of these industries. 但在这些行业中,许多都是一副“老产业”面孔,这使它们更难赢得最有才华的大学毕业生。
Investors struggled to value new-fangled deals, and as interest rates began to climb, MA activity took on a more sober mantle, shifting from new economy clicks to old economy bricks. 投资者很难对新出炉的交易进行估值。随着利率开始攀升,并购活动披上了更为理智的外衣,从新经济网络公司,转向实实在在的旧经济企业。
Enter new century, belt of economy of annulus Bohai Sea will become China belt of apophysis of the3rd old economy, become the new growth area that has development vigor and competition ability most. 进入新世纪,环渤海经济带将成为中国第三大经济隆起带,成为最具有发展活力和竞争力的新的增长区域。
The takeover deepens Mr Buffett's exposure to the US-focused old economy sectors that have long been the backbone of his empire alongside financial services, and underlines his confidence in a rebound in domestic growth. 此次收购加深了巴菲特对面向美国的老经济部门的投资,突显其对美国经济增长反弹的信心。美国的老经济部门与金融服务业一直构成巴菲特帝国的主要投资。
The economic cycle is dichotomized as expansion and recession periods while the companies are categorized as new economy firms and old economy firms. 景气循环二分为景气繁荣与景气衰退时期;公司特性则分为新经济公司与旧经济公司。
Eighth, talent is highly valued whereas capital funds are less important, though the pursuit for personal richness is all the more intense than in the old economy. 第八点,人才的价值一直向上升,资本的价值一直向下跌,财富的追求,我相信比旧经济时代要厉害。
The pursuit for personal richness is all the more intense than in the old economy. 财富的追求,我相信比旧经济时代要厉害。
This course uses theoretical models and studies of "old economy" industries to help understand the growth and future of electronic commerce. 本课程采用理论的模型以及「经济」产业研究来协助了解电子商务的成长性及未来性。
Face this "fat", city of domestic main center and circle of a few old economy began the investment contend of bright gun attack by a hidden enemy. 面对这块“肥肉”,国内主要中心城市和几大经济圈开始了明枪暗箭的投资角逐。
The old economy theory applies the single-stage model to analyze antitrust, which ignores the interaction between vertical competition and horizontal competition. 以往美国对兼并控制采取一元分析模式,这种分析模式不关注垂直竞争与水平竞争之间的相互影响。
However China is in the period of transition from old economy system to new one. 但由于我国正处于新旧经济体制的转换时期,市场经济还处于建设阶段,国有企业的并购机制还很不成熟。
Supporters of the new economy consider that fundamental changes and transition are taking place in current economy, so the changes in economic phenomena, characteristics, concepts and theories relating to the old economy will surely follow. 新经济的支持者则认为,当前经济正在发生根本性的变化和转型。因此,与传统经济相联系的经济现象、经济特征、经济概念和经济理论必然发生变化。
Connecting with the practice of our enterprises operated in the old economy system, this paper discusses the incentive and restrictive mechanism of human capital tentatively through exploring these problems. 本文通过对人力资本激励与约束问题的考察,结合我国体制内企业运营的实践,初步探讨了人力资本激励与约束的机制。
The main reason is the profound influence of the old planned economy. Meanwhile, the evolvement of area developing strategy of our country also has effect on the development of the northeast old industrial base. 计划经济体制的深刻影响是这一变化的重要原因,同时,国家区域发展战略的变化对东北老工业基地的发展也产生了一定的影响。
Rich and generous natural environment, old economy of fishing, hunting and nomadism offer history foundation for developing modern industry with the capital nature; 丰厚的自然环境,长时期为渔猎游牧经济,封建社会时期很短且不典型,从而为跳跃式发展资本主义性质的现代产业提供了历史基础;
An Analysis and Enlightenment of Old Economy and New Economy In America 美国新经济的旧经济解析及其启示
They are the representation of new economy. They play important role in old economy reconstruction and new economy development, so many investors pay more attention to them. 网络企业是新经济的代表,在新经济的发展和对传统经济的改造过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用,同时也引起了投资者的广泛关注。
Developed countries are transforming from the era of old industrial economy into a new one at present, which is promoted by the new industrial revolution. 目前在新工业革命的推动下,发达国家正在由旧工业经济时代向新工业经济时代转变。
At the beginning of economic transition, form point of neoclassical economics doctrine, some economists held that restructure a brand new market economy by abrogate old planned economy system once and for all. 经济转型之初,一些经济学家基于新古典经济学信条提出,可以通过激进措施将原来的计划体制一次性破除而重建一个全新的市场经济。
Traditional economists view the new economy as the extension of the old economy in new environment, denying the emerging of new disciplinarian exceeding the old economy. 传统经济学家把新经济看作是旧经济在新环境中的延伸,否认出现了超越原有经济的新规律。
As the state-owned enterprise economic system from a single command economy plan for the transition of existing market economic system, the old planned economy established under the personnel wage system, changes in the economic structure of the new situation, has shown the greatest non-adaptive. 随着国有企业经济体制由单一计划指令性经济过渡为现有的市场经济体制,原有的计划经济下建立起来的人事工资制度,在经济体制转变的新形势下,表现出了极大的不适应性。
Due to historical reasons and the particularity of water supply industry, urban water supply industry has followed the old planned economy model. In water resources management area, there are also problems like unreasonableness of the water price policy and price formation mechanism. 由于历史的原因和供水行业的特殊性,我国城市供水沿袭了计划经济的模式,在城市水资源管理中存在着水价政策不合理、水价格形成机制不完善等问题。
With the deepening of economic and social reform and fast development of socialist market economy in China, the higher education operation mechanism grown out of old planned economy has experienced profound changes. 伴随着中国社会经济体制改革的不断深入和社会主义市场经济的迅猛发展,在过去长期的计划经济条件下形成的高等教育运行机制发生了深刻的变化。
With the frequent flow of talent, more and more old planned economy under the "person" to a "social man", has been regarded as a symbol of citizenship of the personnel file is part of the people as" not essential "worldly possessions. 随着人才的频繁流动,越来越多的以前计划经济下的人成为了社会人,曾被视为公民身份象征的人事档案则被部分人看作为可有可无的身外之物。